About Us

[title title=»HISTORY» title_tpl=»tpl1″ align=»text-center» underline=»1″]

AQUA started as an ambitious idea to promoting the economy and foot traffic in
up-and-coming neighborhoods. As the business flourish our efforts has been successfully supported by the same community we love, and it has been a wonderful journey as we strive to provide the highest level
of service to our supporters.
* * *
Blooming in the in the harsh conditions of rocky hills, Lilac flowers are beautiful and fragrant; a perfect symbol for New York dwellers who faces and overcomes challenges everyday.

[title title=»OUR TEAM» title_tpl=»tpl1″ align=»text-center» underline=»1″][team posts_per_page=»3″ orderby=»none» order=»none» show_image=»1″ show_title=»1″ show_excerpt=»1″ show_position=»1″ show_social=»1″ category=»» tpl=»tpl1″]
[title title=»AQUA SPACE» title_tpl=»tpl1″ align=»text-center» underline=»1″][tb_blog post_type=»space» columns=»4″ style=»entry» portfolio_style=»entry» space_style=»entry» testimonial_style=»entry» crop_image=»» show_title=»1″ show_info=»» show_desc=»» orderby=»none» order=»none» show_pagination=»» pos_pagination=»text-left» ob_animation=»wrap»]
[title title=»SALE 30%» title_tpl=»tpl2″ sub_title=»for masagefoot» title_background=»4485″ align=»text-center» underline=»» font_size=»46px»]